Protests are still going on in China, and repression has also started


Anti-government protests continue in China. The repression of the ruler has begun.  Censorship on social media has been tightened. The red police have started identifying the citizens who participated in the protest.  

Protests that have erupted across China against strict Covid-19 rules have turned anti-government. Even today, protests are shown in different parts of the country, especially in universities. Protest can be seen chanting slogans with white paper. Protests by protesters in Shanghai intensified. This time the police started to stop the protest which started on Saturday night. Although no such force was used for the first two days, many protesters are currently being arrested and detained. Police patrols were conspicuous in several cities, including Beijing and Shanghai. Police are currently conducting house-to-house inquiries and marking any gathering as illegal.

Censorship is going on along with arresting and identifying protesters. No posts related to protests are being tolerated on social media. Even foreign journalists are not exempted from police brutality. Journalists have been warned by the government not to get involved in anything other than their work. The whole world has moved in condemnation against it.

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