Money cannot buy love but only lust

 ‘Money makes the mare go’ is as much a fact of life as to say that money can buy anything but love. It has been said that everything has a price-tag attached to it and one who bids the highest, owns the commodity. But to apply the axiom to the impulse of love is to belittle the sanctity of love. Lovers, the world over, have kicked the glimmer of gold as contemptuously as they have defied the power of the mighty monarchs and the stranglehold of social taboos and caste considerations. No amount of temptation or threat can thwart the vows of steadfast lovers to live and die for each other nor can the wads of currency notes dampen the intensity of their love. History bears testimony to the saga of many a love-story where lovers preferred dying on the altar of love to yield before the arrogance of power. Let those who still feel money can buy love, read the soul-stirring stories depicting the immortal love and sacrifice of the lovers of the hoary past and thus rid themselves of their mis-conceptions and mental reservations about love and the power it wields on human life.

See also: Society is created by our wants, government by our wickedness 

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