Working People’s ‘May Day’

 ‘May Day‘ means the recognition of the success of the struggle of the working people. ‘May Day’ was first celebrated in America in 1886. On that day, the workers went down to the Haymarket in the American city of Chicago to demand 8 hours of work a day. They protested against extra labor by gathering there. Police fired to break up the gathering, and many workers were killed. May 1st is celebrated as International Workers’ Day to commemorate the sacrifices of those workers.

This day is celebrated as ‘May Day’ in other countries of the world including India. Earlier, factory workers were made to work 10 to 12 hours a day, and the pay was comparatively meager. ‘May Day’ was able to break this mentality of the owner class who had been accepting low wages in return for this extra labor for a long time. 

From America, the significance of ‘May Day’ gradually spread to various countries including China, Russia, Bangladesh, and India. Establishments around the world demand workers to work 8 hours.

The First Congress of the Second International was held in Paris in 1889 on the centenary of the French Revolution. There, Raymond Lavigne proposed that the anniversary of the Chicago protests be observed internationally since 1890.

In 1923 Labor Party of Hindustan decided to observe this day in India. Red flags were hoisted on International Workers’ Day in Chennai. It marks an important day in the history of the world. On this day all institutions starting including schools, colleges, offices, and courts are closed. But today even private companies squeeze labor for much more than 8 hours for less money.

If the significance of ‘May Day’ can be properly realized, the prosperity of the working class and industry will occur.

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