2022; 75 years of India’s independence

 The Indian independence stepped into its seventy-fifth year on August 15, 2022. In these years there has been unprecedented progress in the field of industry, agriculture, and above all, science.

  Our country is great. She is a vast land, almost a sub- continent. She is full of bounties of nature. She is the epitome of the universe. On the north is the great Himalayas. The rivers that flow on through this soil are the Ganga, the Yamuna, the Narmada, the Godavari, etc. There are deserts, and mountains, and forests surrounding our motherland. The plain lands of our country stretch to the horizon. Temples, churches, and mosques are numerous. The Indians speak more than two hundred languages. People of so many ethnic varieties, different religions, languages, dresses, customs, and habits live in this country in amity. Needless to say, it has a unity in diversity.

 India has made phenomenal progress in agriculture and industry through the successful working out of five years plans. The various schemes for irrigation, flood-control, use of high-yielding varieties of seeds, and scientific methods of cultivation have brought about the green revolution in India and made India self-dependent on food. The village electrification, construction of highways and roads, extension of medical facilities to the remotest villages, and the manufacture of life-saving drugs have made the life of an Indian comfortable. Excellent is however the progress in the field of nuclear energy, computer, and electronic industry, and the launching of guided missiles and satellites.

  Much has been achieved since independence, but much remains to be achieved. Poverty, illiteracy, child labour, superstitions, and dowry are the major hurdles in our country. Early steps should be taken to kill these giants of social evils. 

Integration of India is based on a solid foundation. We love our motherland even at the cost of our own lives.


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