Sick Tyson in a wheelchair

 Legendary boxer Mike Tyson is very ill with back pain. For which the former heavyweight champion has to travel in a wheelchair.

 Tyson has been suffering from back pain for several months. Recently, he could not walk without using a stick. According to a source in New York, the former boxer’s main problem is sciatica (nerve disease) which causes back pain. As advised by the doctors, he is now traveling in a wheelchair so that there is no pressure on his back. However, according to the US newspaper, Tyson’s problem can be cured with treatment.

In an interview, the 56-year-old ex-boxer surprised everyone and commented that he was running out of steam.

Tyson retired in 2005 after losing to Kevin McBride. After that, he returned to the ring only once. But it was an exhibition fight of the month in November 2020 with Roy Jones, the match was not settled.

The legendary boxer’s team said that despite traveling in a wheelchair, he is healthy, carrying out his daily activities as before, subject to certain precautions as advised by doctors.

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